Nobody will help ringette girls


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Nobody will help ringette girls


Newspaper article from the September 19, 1974 Langley Advance entitled: "Nobody will help ringette girls". The article is about the urgent need for ringette coaches in order for the ringette league to be viable in Langley.

The article states that "Langley will have to pull out of the ringette rep league and the number of house league teams will have to be restricted to 14 teams and 200 girls with more emphasis on casual practising on an unorganized basis if there is not a better response from parents and older teenagers."

The article goes on to say that Don Smith was elected president of the association at the AGM succeeding Trudy Cuthbert. Don Guggisberg and Pat Rawluk were named first and second vice-presidents with Freda Parsons as secretary and Bob Bailey as treasurer. Members of the executive are Wendy Glover, Dan Neumann, Anne Cindrich, Aarlene Carpenter and Mrs. G.P. Rawluck.

At the AGM, it was unanimous that the "Langley and Aldergrove groups would stay as one association and that the emphasis would be on the recreation aspect with every participating girl receiving a crest rather than having a trophy system."

The article reports that steps have been taken to form a provincial organization under the name of the B.C. Ringette Association with a meeting called for October 6th at 8pm at the Langley Civic Arena.


Langley Advance newspaper


Langley Advance newspaper


Langley Advance newspaper


1974, September 19



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