Sports group charges power politics

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Sports group charges power politics


Article published in the Aldergrove Star newspaper on December 19, 1973 entitled "Sports group charges power politics." The article is about a meeting held at the Langley municipal arena attended by about 70 parents of young girls, who met to seek clarification from recreational officials.

Some of the questions included: "why hasn't a time schedule been printed?" "is the arena paying for itself?" and "why did the girls figure skating club in Langley get 24 hours of prime time and the girls ringette group can only get one and a quarter hour of evening ice time a week?"

The article reports that no one had these answers ready because no officials from the arena, the City Council, or the arena committee was there except for "70 more or less uptight parents and brave Merv Hunter (Langley City Alderman)."

Eileen Carpenter told the Aldergrove Star that "the Langley ringette group (girl's ice hockey) had originally been promised five hours of ice time a week in the public rink in south Langley. However her group ended up with one evening a week, Tuesday night from 8 to 9:15pm, while the figure skaters were for some mysterious reason allocated a total of 24 hours a week, morning and afternoon hours."

There are about 100 girls participating in figure skating paying $48 each for use of the public facility, according to Eileen Carpenter.

As a contrast to this, Eileen pointed out that 363 girls had registered for ringette and 280 of those had paid registration fees. 1/3 of the girls were from Langley and 2/3 were from Aldergrove and Fort Langley.

"If it wasn't because of the Aldergrove private rink and the fact that they honored their early commitment, there wouldn't be any ringette in Langley." said Eileen.

Parents living in Langley are still upset that their girls will have to be taken to Aldergrove for every single practice and game. They've tried to get at least two hours weekly at the Brookswood rink (Langley Civic Arena) but this was not happening.

The article ends with Eileen's words: "All we want is an answer to our questions - and two hours of weekly time."


Following the original article, is another article where the Langley arena manager Gerry Thompson says that the charges by the parent group are unfounded.

Thompson told the newspaper that the ringette group did not make reservations on time. "The group was still organizing at the time when we sold our ice." As a result, all of the good ice time was sold to minor hockey, girls' figure skating and the Langley Lords. None of those organizations were interested in selling their ice to the "girls ice hockey teams."

Thompson told the paper that he will try once more to negotiate an agreement between the arena committee, the figure skaters, and the "ringette people".


Aldergrove Star newspaper


Aldergrove Star newspaper


Aldergrove Star newspaper


1973, December 19



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